
  • Students at our faculty are committed to making an impact on health, well-being and society. These are the inspirational stories about students who go above and beyond to reach their goals. Let’s meet Emily and Suhad, both scholarship students in Epidemiology looking for a broad foundation in...

  • judith sluimer

    Fresh air

    Vascular biologist Judith Sluimer was appointed professor of cardiovascular pathophysiology in October 2020. In her inaugural lecture, she alluded both to the importance of oxygen in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels as well as to the ‘fresh air’ she believes academia is always in need...

  • International research collaboration aims to personalise prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

  • The white heterosexual middle-aged man is implicitly the norm in medical education materials. But not for much longer, if Albertine Zanting has her way. As a PhD candidate, she studies the cultural diversity in medical education, and as a policy advisor, she translates her research findings into...

  • Ending the HIV epidemic for those most impacted: women in sub-Saharan Africa. That’s the goal of a collaborative project between Dutch and African researchers. The Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Aidsfonds recently allocated more than six million euros to fund their plans for the SPIRAL project.

  • At the CARIM research institute (school for cardiovascular diseases) in Maastricht, a group of researchers – led by Joost Lumens - is working with ‘het digitale tweelinghart’ (the digital twin heart): a computer model that simulates the human heart. This research gives rise to a great deal of...

  • And how can it be counteracted? According to Luc van Loon, you can become a bodybuilder even after age 80. 'But the disadvantage of our dynamic muscles is that you also lose them quickly when you start using them less. Maintaining muscles is an active process. You have to keep stimulating them.' NUT...

  • Rheumatoid arthritis patients with favourable health literacy skills experience less disease burden and have better access to medications than patients with lower health literacy skills.

  • The researchers from Andre Dekker's team have long been seen as the experts in the field of data in healthcare, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and federated deep learning in the Netherlands, and have put themselves on the global data map.

  • The signatories of the Dutch Transparency Agreement raise awareness on the major consequences of an abrupt ban on all animals for research purposes, as petitioned by the European Commission (EC). They plea for acceleration of the current route to alternative testing, instead of a sudden ban.