
  • Michiel van Well (FASoS) recently defended his theses “Religie in een technologische cultuur”. Jort Kelder invited Michiel for his show Dr. Kelder. Click here to see the item.

  • Students from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University, digitised in 3D personal items that spoke to their experience of the pandemic. These models were woven into digital stories that explore their experience from personal, cultural, and social perspectives.

  • An interesting online event will take place on Wednesday 16 June about the future and safeguarding of digital heritage in our region.

  • The Maastricht Experimental Research in and through the Arts Network (MERIAN) has selected two PhD trajectories as part of the collaborative programme among the MERIAN strategic partners – Maastricht University, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and the Jan van Eyck Academie.

  • You may have seen him passing by on the Groene Loper 9a greenway in Maastricht)—researcher Bram Oosterbroek on his Urban Hotspotter measurement bike. It is certainly eye-catching, with measuring instruments on the back and a laptop in a basket on the handlebar. 'I study the health effects of spatial...