
  • How an honours programme is staving off brain drain

    In the KE@Work programme, students solve a complex, real-world problem while working at a local company. An honours track of the bachelor’s in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, KE@Work provides ambitious students with valuable work...

  • Climate, war and resurgent nationalism: global cooperation is rattling on all sides. Yet Professor Mathieu Segers still advocates European leadership: 'When death and destruction are spreading, and there seems to be no more light, often the most brilliant plans emerge.'

  • Under the name "Terra," Albert Heijn has introduced a 100 percent plant-based product line, with some two hundred different food items ranging from beverages to spreads and meat substitutes. How sustainable and healthy are these products?

  • How do you fix a crack in limestone, such as mergel? Well, simply ask some bacteria to do it for you. In short, this is the goal 11 students from Maastricht University set themselves to do. They succeeded and ended up in the TOP10 best undergraduate projects competing in the iGEM competition. For...

  • Nikola Prianikov came from Kyiv to study Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Maastricht. He talks about how UM’s Foundation Programme opens doors for international talent, how he enjoyed his study experience despite war and pestilence, and how the Netherlands has come to seem like a viable...

  • Fossil subsidies undermine climate policy, says Patrick Huntjens and other colleagues in an opinion article.

  • A better understanding of taste and mouthfeel

  • The trailblazing cohort of the Global Studies bachelor programme has graduated. Gaia Gazzara and Vincent Tadday look back on transdisciplinarity, challenging yourself and integrating new perspectives.

  • Campus Venlo students win first and third prizes with food innovations

  • For science does not happen only through the university, Marjolein van Asselt, outgoing professor of Risk Governance at Maastricht University, argued during her farewell lecture.