
  • During her Master's in Digital Cultures at the Faculty of Social Arts and Sciences, Nada Naguib participated in a unique collaborative digital museum project in the halls of Centre Céramique, Maastricht's city library and centre for art, culture and education. Initially a mandatory course...

  • Are you a student at Maastricht University and do you want to play an active role in addressing societal challenges such as inequality, poverty, and climate change? Submit your proposal now for your Global Citizenship Education project and win up to €3,000 to make it a reality!

  • EDLAB – Maastricht University Centre for Teaching & Learning is looking for five students to join the EDLAB Student Advisory Board (ESAB)!

  • Rachel Barros Custódio’s affinity with fairness and justice started early when she looked around her Portuguese hometown of Lisbon and saw the mistreatment of animals. “A lot of people in Portugal treat their animals like things, sometimes even worse. They don’t view them as living creatures with...

  • Two researchers from Maastricht University (UM) have each received a Vici grant of € 1.5 million from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). Professor Chantal Nederkoorn (Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) and Professor Lorenzo Moroni (MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine)...

  • You may have seen him passing by on the Groene Loper 9a greenway in Maastricht)—researcher Bram Oosterbroek on his Urban Hotspotter measurement bike. It is certainly eye-catching, with measuring instruments on the back and a laptop in a basket on the handlebar. 'I study the health effects of spatial...