
  • Professor Yvonne van der Meer is investigating how companies can improve the sustainability of their products. She analyses every material, exposing the lifecycle in its entirety.

  • EU leaders hope the Conference on the Future of Europe, a wide-ranging programme of work focused on EU reform, will point the EU in the right direction for years to come. Studio Europa Maastricht spoke with assistant professor of European political history Karin van Leeuwen.

  • Transgender people still run a very high risk of HIV infection. On average, one in five trans women worldwide tests HIV positive, and trans men also have an increased risk of HIV. These are the findings of an extensive analysis by Maastricht University (UM).

  • Two large consortia of Dutch companies and knowledge institutes in the mobility and transport sector will receive 47 million euros in government funding to realize breakthroughs in electrification and hydrogen applications in automotive, maritime and air transport.

  • MBA programma’s besteden doorgaans veel aandacht aan de P van Profit. Het MaastrichtMBA programma gaat een stap verder, en heeft naast de P van Profit de focus op de P’s van Planet en People op een gelijkwaardige manier geïntegreerd in het curriculum.

  • On 23 November, the team within research institute CAPHRI that investigates COVID-19 in nursing homes received the CAPHRI Societal Impact Team Award for the great national and international impact their research has had on the well-being of nursing home residents.

  • Effective January 1, 2022, the Open University will become a shareholder of Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen, joining founding fathers Maastricht University (UM), Province of Limburg and APG to become the campus’ fourth shareholder. 

  • Sexual harassment in public is becoming a punishable offence. It’s a good idea, says Suzan van der Aa, professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, but one that doesn’t go far enough. “Sexual harassment in the workplace is common too, and usually has a greater impact on the victims.”

  • The only way to get enough people to quit smoking to achieve the goals of the National Prevention Agreement is to substantially increase the excise duty on tobacco products. This is the conclusion of research by Maastricht University (UM) on the price sensitivity of people who smoke cigarettes or...

  • Two talented young researchers from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) at Maastricht University have won awards. Kim Kampen received the KNAW Early Career Award and Floor van den Brand has won the Catharina Pijls Dissertation Prize.