
  • Interview with Dr Zlatan Mujagic, MUMC+ gastroenterologist and liver physician. An international research consortium, including NUTRIM researcher Zlatan Mujagic, has investigated the effects of stress on the gut.

  • After a sunny start to spring, the weather on this third Saturday in March is a disappointing 10 degrees Celsius, if that. Not that this dampens the enthusiasm of the gardening volunteers from SamenGroenerMaastricht, a foundation aimed at making neighbourhoods greener and promoting social...

  • FPN’s prof. dr. Rainer Goebel has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of € 2,5M for his research project Reading the Mind’s Eye: AI inspired personalised brain models of mental imagery. Goebel is among 255 researchers (out of 1829 applications in all domains) in Europe to receive the grant, and he is...

  • Berta Cillero Pastor is an Associate Professor and group leader at the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. Her research is centred around mass spectrometry (imaging) to gain insights into molecules in cells and tissues for biomedical research. With this technique, changes...

  • The coming years will see tens of thousands of homes in the Netherlands undergo extensive renovation and modernisation. While the main goal is to improve energy efficiency, researcher Juan Palacios is interested in understanding the impact of home renovations on residents’ health. He will spend the...

  • Everything on Earth is interconnected and has an impact on everything else. Nothing is isolated. This insight prompted the emergence of the very transdisciplinary field of Earth System Science. The field is gaining a foothold at the Brightland Campus Greenport Venlo in the form of the research...

  • Owned and run by UM alum Natalia Westermann, the Dotnsquare store on the Heggenstraat in Maastricht is a vibrant tribute to polka dots, pragmatism, sustainability, social entrepreneurship and love for Limburg.

  • Failure is part of life, but not something academics talk about often. In this interview, Brigitte Le Normand reflects on the failure of her creative research outputs.

  • Cyrus Mody on being UM’s Open Science figurehead, an inevitable cultural shift and nanobubbles.

  • Michal Natorski

    AI-AI Captain

    AI will change the world – possibly in a very direct way. UNU-MERIT's Michal Natorski thinks the technology could inadvertently influence the decision-making processes of UN agencies.