
  • Gerco Onderwater investigates the flavour of the universe while guarding the flavour of the Maastricht Science Programme. On 31 May, during his inaugural lecture, he provided a pre-taste of his work in Maastricht. 

  • As a patient in a hospital, you see many different faces at your bedside every day: a nurse measuring your blood pressure, a doctor or nurse practitioner informing you about the care plan, and a nutritionist providing you with the right food and drinks. Although all these caregivers have their own...

  • Lee Bouwman, a vascular surgeon and endowed professor of Clinical Engineering, specialises in the implementation of groundbreaking healthcare technologies. The key to success, he says, lies in the collaboration between engineers and clinicians. This approach has already resulted in a range of...

  • On April 19, during her inaugural lecture, Anna Wilbik explained how we can squeeze out the whole potential of data to the last drop.

  • Berta Cillero Pastor is an Associate Professor and group leader at the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. Her research is centred around mass spectrometry (imaging) to gain insights into molecules in cells and tissues for biomedical research. With this technique, changes...

  • Everything on Earth is interconnected and has an impact on everything else. Nothing is isolated. This insight prompted the emergence of the very transdisciplinary field of Earth System Science. The field is gaining a foothold at the Brightland Campus Greenport Venlo in the form of the research...

  • On February 8, 2024, Ziemons received her PhD from Maastricht University for the dissertation “The role of the gut microbiota in human cancer, the power of an equilibrium". This dissertation is the result of Ziemons' research on the role of the microbiota in cancer – colorectal cancer but also...

  • Last November, Rory Koenen delivered his inaugural lecture following his appointment as a professor in 2023 at the research institute CARIM. The chair he holds is "Biochemistry of Vascular Inflammation and Thrombosis," and Rory's research can be best described as the quest to understand the role of...

  • Adriana Iamnitchi’s career appeared like a bed of roses. She served as a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. Nonetheless, she sought out new challenges and moved to Maastricht, where she focused her research on social media.