
  • Graciëlla van Vliet studied Econometrics in Maastricht, followed by a master’s degree in Rotterdam—a near guarantee for a top job at a top organisation. Instead she opted for independent entrepreneurship.

  • Based on five frequently asked questions, Martin van Boxtel, associate professor at the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience and mindfulness trainer, explains what mindfulness is, how it can contribute to your wellbeing and how you become mindful.

  • Q-Park announced the winners of its annual Student Awards this week. Mateusz Wiza was one of the winners to receive a €1.500 cash prize for his thesis.

  • The 37-year-old Hilde Verbeek was appointed on 9 July as professor of Long-Term Care Environments at the Living Lab for Ageing and Long-Term Care Limburg. She may be relatively young, but her research, academic record and vision of care for older people all bear witness to her maturity, erudition...

  • Simon Cornelissen isn't only attending the master's programme in Medicine. In addition to his busy curriculum, he is also an ensign with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and a working student at the Defensity College. Watch the video.


  • When it comes to food, Didier Fouarge has a wealth of happy memories. An only child raised in Namur, Belgium, he was used to eating fresh, delicious food from an early age. For this economics professor, cooking is more than a mere hobby.

  • Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo is welcoming a new company this fall: InnerBuddies. This first Maastricht University spin-off is setting up shop at the campus with 27-year-old Jella Theeuwen at the helm as CEO.

  • Between climate change, inequality of opportunity, and a global pandemic, our world is facing major challenges. A sustainable and stable economy is desperately needed, argues Mark Sanders, Professor of International Economics at Maastricht University.

  • Students from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University, digitised in 3D personal items that spoke to their experience of the pandemic. These models were woven into digital stories that explore their experience from personal, cultural, and social perspectives.

  • Emilie Sitzia has been awarded a prestigious Comenius Leadership Fellowship for a three-year project focused on teaching sensory skills beyond the visual – from hearing to feeling and smelling. Lick this article to increase your likelihood of remembering it.