
  • On April 19, during her inaugural lecture, Anna Wilbik explained how we can squeeze out the whole potential of data to the last drop.

  • Having won the prestigious Perspectief grant, the MERLN-led FAB4FUTURE project develops a toolbox for the scalable production of stem cell-based tissue for medical purposes and cultured meat. Project leader Lorenzo Moroni and principal investigator Matt Baker on the creative synergy addressing weak...

  • Meet Lillianne Evertsz, whose journey from HBO to higher education epitomizes resilience. Initially challenged by high tuition fees, Lillianne's dreams of university education seemed unattainable until she received a scholarship. This support enabled her to pursue her desired program without the...

  • In the upcoming months, the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences will share tips on Instagram on how to live a healthier life. Not just a random collection, but tips based on actual research happening at our faculty. The brains behind this idea are Lieve Vonken and Gido Metz, PhD candidates...

  • Interview with Dr Zlatan Mujagic, MUMC+ gastroenterologist and liver physician. An international research consortium, including NUTRIM researcher Zlatan Mujagic, has investigated the effects of stress on the gut.

  • Berta Cillero Pastor is an Associate Professor and group leader at the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. Her research is centred around mass spectrometry (imaging) to gain insights into molecules in cells and tissues for biomedical research. With this technique, changes...

  • FPN’s prof. dr. Rainer Goebel has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of € 2,5M for his research project Reading the Mind’s Eye: AI inspired personalised brain models of mental imagery. Goebel is among 255 researchers (out of 1829 applications in all domains) in Europe to receive the grant, and he is...

  • After a sunny start to spring, the weather on this third Saturday in March is a disappointing 10 degrees Celsius, if that. Not that this dampens the enthusiasm of the gardening volunteers from SamenGroenerMaastricht, a foundation aimed at making neighbourhoods greener and promoting social...

  • Students at Maastricht University can turn to the Wellbeing Team for a year round programme focused on mental and physical health. This includes a wide range of lectures and workshops on the Wellbeing Wednesdays as well as two annual Wellbeing Weeks full of activities such as the Wellbeing...

  • Ylana Sour (19) already knew halfway through secondary school that she wanted to be a paediatrician when she grew up. “When I was three or four years old, I had a bad experience with a doctor myself. I hope that later on, when I’m a doctor, I can show that it can be done differently.” Ylana is now...