New Research Data Management and General Data Protection Regulation workflow

Can I share my research data with colleagues at other institutions? Where can I store my data? How long do I have to preserve the data after I finish my research and where? What should I think about if I want to have interviews transcribed by an external party? These are possible questions that come to mind when you start your research.

Responsible Research Data Management (RDM) is an integral part of good research. It is about storing and sharing data securely, about complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and protecting participants, about FAIR data handling during and after the research in a way that is 'as open as possible, as closed as necessary', and more.

To support you with RDM and to make it easier for you to conduct your research in compliance with legislation and regulations, the Faculty Board has approved a new RDM and GDPR workflow.

Mandatory completion of RDM/AVG checklist
The starting point is the RDM/GDPR checklist. Since 18 October 2022, you are required to complete this checklist before starting your research. The checklist maps RDM and GDPR aspects of your research and gives Fieke (data steward) and Jean-Paul (information manager) the necessary background information to give you tailored advice.

Based on your answers, Fieke and Jean-Paul will look whether and which follow-up steps are needed. For example, arranging secure storage, registration of your research in the faculty's GDPR register if you process personal data, the necessary agreements if you share personal data with external parties, a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) if the data operation poses a high privacy risk to those involved, etc. Since 18 October 2022, you are also required to complete a Data Management Plan (DMP) if you are going to collect data (e.g. through interviews, focus groups or surveys). In the DMP, you describe how you will manage the data during and after your research. If there are any changes in the design of the research during the course of the project, you have to check the RDM and GDPR aspects again with Fieke and Jean-Paul.

Questions about the new workflow?
More information about the new workflow and the roles and responsibilities regarding RDM and GDPR can be found in the memo. If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to contact Fieke and Jean-Paul.

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