Monika Barget awarded OpenUP Grant

Monika Barget has been awarded the UM Library’s OpenUP Grant of €5,000 for her project “Data scraping and analysis for the arts and social sciences”. 

Based on work that Monika has already done for the MA DC course "Machines of Knowledge", for which she created a public Github repository with code and documentation for "distant reading" (computer-assisted text analysis), the OpenUp grant will help her improve the tutorials and data samples for students and staff with minimal coding experience. Ideally, the materials produced as part of the grant will be used both in FASoS courses and in research projects, including MA theses.

About the grant

The OpenUP Grant is designed to make learning materials available as an Open Educational Resource (OER) and to support you with the organisation, licensing, and sharing of these materials, ensuring they become FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Monika’s project “stood out to the review committee for its strong potential to advance Open Science practices in education by making learning materials more accessible, engaging, and impactful.” 

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