Masterclass DVDW Advocaten ICGI PREMIUM Masterclass 2014-2015
Last Friday DVDW Advocaten hosted the fourth masterclass of the ICGI PREMIUM Masterclass 2014-2015. The subject of the masterclass was corporate litigation. At arrival the students first sat down to have lunch, which was followed by an introduction of the firm. After a great presentation regarding corporate litigation by Bastiaan Kemp of DVDW Advocaten, a mootcourt was held. The students of the masterclass were split up into three teams. The teams had prepared the case in advance under the supervision of lawyers of DVDW Advocaten. The students were enthusiastic and gave their best. The judge asked some critical questions, but the students managed to give suprising answers due to their good preparation. The mootcourt was intens and there was even time for some laughter. It was a great success! Afterwards there were drinks and an opportunity to talk about the day and the mootcourt. Another successful masterclass for the ICGI PREMIUM Masterclass 2014-2015.
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