Maastricht team participated in the regional final of the European Law Moot Court

On 15th-18th of February, the Maastricht team participated in the regional final of the European Law Moot Court held at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland. Other contenders came from all over the world, and included such illustrious participants as Aix-en-Marseille, Gent and the Autonomous University of Madrid. The case concerned a variety of issues relating to public procurement, data protection and the way to handle migration crises. After a very exciting semi-final, and despite a strong showing, the team consisting of Camille Richelle and Phoebe Cox unfortunately did not pass to the finals.


However, Tycho Eggenhuizen, as advocate-general came out victorious and will be pleading at the Court of Justice in Luxembourg for the all-European final! Without exception, each of the ELMC moot court team has grown tremendously over the last months in their pleading and research abilities, shown dedication and perseverance, and proven the capacity to master complex issues. Moreover, the team dynamic has been friendly and all around excellent. It is therefore without hesitation that we can say: your coaches are very proud of you!

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