Maastricht Science Programme in international biology competition in Boston

For the first time, 11 students of the Maastricht Science Programme have the opportunity to participate in the international, prestigious synthetic biology competition International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. During this event, teams get the opportunity to present their ideas to the iGEM community. It takes place in November 2019 in Boston, USA.

iGEM Competition

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition is a worldwide synthetic biology competition organised by the Massachusetts Institute of Techology (MIT). The iGEM competition gives students the opportunity to push the boundaries of synthetic biology by tackling everyday issues facing the world. Made up of primarily university students, multidisciplinary teams work together to design, build, test, and measure a system of their own design using interchangeable biological parts and standard molecular biology techniques. Every year nearly 6,000 people dedicate their summer to iGEM and then come together in the fall to present their work and compete at the annual Jamboree.

The Maastricht Science Programme project

The project the team from Maastricht Science Programme wants to present in Boston aims to create an easy-to-use tool for scientists. This tool could be used to recognise emerging diseases or environmental pollutants (with the help of molecules). In other words, it might solve modern world problems. Moreover, they want to develop an online and open database, containing the information acquired with the tool. This would enable an easy exchange of knowledge between scientists all over the world.

Why the project matters

With their research project, they could not only advance the field of science, but also contribute to the international recognition and presence of Maastricht, its university, the Maastricht Science Programme and the province of Limburg. But most of all, the project contributes to society, health and the environment. Therefore, it will probably be important in your future as well.

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