Maastricht Europe Days

The Maastricht Europe Days will be held for the first time on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 December. In addition to the official opening of Studio Europa at Onze Lieve Vrouweplein on Friday 7 December, there are various (cultural) activities. The Maastricht Europe Days are part of the Maastricht, Working on Europe project.

All Maastricht citizens and Europeans are cordially invited to attend the events.

Europe for you? – Youth debate

Friday 7 December 11.00- 13.00 uur at the Brandweerkantine

Europe’s youngest generation is the least likely to vote in the European elections. This should serve as a warning for the democratic legitimacy of the EU: young people do not feel represented in today’s Europe, which means it’s high time to invite the younger generation to take the stage and discuss their future in Europe. After all, the future of Europe is in their hands!
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I’m So Angry (I Made a Sign) – Pop-up museum

Friday 7 and Saturday 8 December 14.00-18.00 uur at Onze Lieve Vrouweplein

What are you angry about? How do you fix it? And would you risk your life for your ideals? As part of the Maastricht Europe Days, this travelling exhibition encourages Maastricht citizens and visitors to answer the following question: What are Europeans so angry about and are they willing to fight for their ideals?

At the I'm So Angry (I Made a Sign) pop-up museum, you can step into an interactive photo booth, create your own protest sign and add your slogan for the future to the museum's collection. More than thousand Europeans have gone before you.
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The Trial of Ratko Mladić – Documentary / film

Friday 8 December 19.00-21.00 uur at Lumière

Just an unnervingly short time ago, Europe was shocked by appalling images of the concentration camps and mass graves in former Yugoslavia. The Bosnian War cost the lives of around 100,000 innocent people. In 2012, almost exactly 20 years after that bloody conflict started, at the Yugoslavia tribunal in The Hague the trial began of the Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladić.

Filmmakers Rob Miller and Henry Singer shed light on the war from two angles, by on the one hand speaking to the public prosecutors and visiting victims and witnesses, and on the other interviewing Mladić’s lawyers, supporters and family members, who consider him a patriotic hero.
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Building Conversation

Saturday 8 December, 10.00-14.00 uur at Vrijthof 21

Do you have the courage to step outside the box and join a real conversation? In an increasingly divided Europe, it's more important than ever to make contact and encourage conversation and debate. Interactions between people who disagree with one another are rare.

How can we get people to really talk? Maastricht, Working on Europe has asked the artists' collective Building Conversation to encourage you to start a conversation with your fellow Europeans
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What’s up Europe? – Spoken Beat Night

Saturday 8 December 20.00 – 22.00 uur at Bonbonnière

What does it mean to be European? And what's it like to grow up in England after Brexit? What makes someone European?

During the first Spoken Beat Night in Maastricht, these questions will be explored by spoken word artist Jeannine Valeriano, guitarist Paul Palessen and two talented spoken word artists from across the channel: Madi Maxwell-Libby and Jacob Sam-La Rose.
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