M4I joins Waters Centers of Innovation Program

At a ceremony and symposium at Maastricht University, Waters Corporation officially welcomed the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute M4I into the Waters Centers of Innovation (COI) Program on Friday 17 June.To salute the work of Prof. Heeren and the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute, Waters Corporation organised a symposium titled Translational Imaging MS: Molecular Pathology Towards Precision Medicine

Under the direction of Professor Ron Heeren, Director – M4I Division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, the institute conducts research in prognostic and diagnostic applications for mass spectrometry in three main areas: oncology, neurology and cardiovascular medicine. The M4I Division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry is one of the world leaders in high resolution molecular imaging of biological surfaces. The division targets the development and application of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry based molecular imaging approaches for biomedical cellular and tissue research. Main research aim for the coming years is to develop and apply mass spectrometry as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for personalized medicine.

Prof. Martin Paul, President of Maastricht University: “In 2014, we welcomed Ron Heeren in Maastricht to become our university professor. The economy of Limburg benefits greatly from his innovative impulses to scientific developments. His research group is of paramount importance for the growth and development of UM research. The M4I institute is already one of the largest imaging centres in Europe. M4I expands already established imaging infrastructures such as Brains Unlimited, and improves Maastricht’s position as an international centre of excellence for human and molecular imaging even further.”

Waters Corporation develops and manufactures advanced analytical and material science technologies for laboratory dependent organizations. For more than 50 years, the company has pioneered a connected portfolio of separations science, laboratory information management, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis systems.



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