Let’s Talk Human Rights

The Maastricht Centre for Human Rights is proud to present the first three videos in the Let’s Talk Human Rights interview series! In April 2021, the Maastricht Centre for Human rights was awarded a grant from the KNAW 'Gewaardeerd!' pilot fund in order to develop a project to improve the visibility of the research conducted by the Centre. 

The Let's Talk Human Rights series is the outcome of this grant, and of the hard work of members of the Centre. Let’s Talk Human Rights is a video and podcast series which opens up a window on the work of the MCfHR. We discuss pressing issues, from human rights and social media to the rights of disabled persons. We also talk to the researchers about themselves, their projects, and their research journey. Focusing mainly on early career researchers, we cast a light not only on human rights law and how it works, but also on what it means to be a human rights researcher. 

 Visit the Let's talk human rights web page to watch the series now!

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