Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs: vote for Henry Otgaar and Luc van Loon!

On 10 November, de Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs 2021 will be awarded. From 64 entries from universities, university colleges and university hospitals in the Netherlands, ten studies have been nominated, including two by UM researchers! Watch the promo videos of Henry Otgaar (FPN) and Luc van Loon (NUTRIM) and make sure they both make it to the top 3! 

The winner will receive a special episode of this popular children's programme devoted to his research. Vote now! Voting is possible until Tuesday, 9 November, at noon.

Nominee Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs 2021: Henry Otgaar (FPN)

Nominee Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs 2021: Luc van Loon (NUTRIM)

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