Johan Adriaensen awarded NWO Open Competition SSH XS grant

Johan Adriaensen received €50,000 in the NWO Open Competition SSH XS funding scheme for the project ‘Implementing trade agreements (IMPLETRAD)’. This project examines the implementation of EU trade agreements, analysing their potential regulatory impacts, including a possible chilling effect on environmental, social, and public health policies.

IMPLETRAD studies the implementation of the EU's trade agreements. Critics contend that such agreements could undermine the EU’s ambitions on environmental, social and public health policies. Either by amending it post-ratification or through a so-called chilling effect. While literature has begun to map the legal scope for this to happen in theory, there is no analysis of their regulatory impact in practice. To address this gap, IMPLETRAD systematically analyses the implementation of six different trade agreements and employs a process-tracing design to assess their potential chilling effect on European Public policies.

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