Introducing: the new Green Office team

20 November 2019

As of October we have a brand new Green Office and they would like to introduce themselves!
The Green Office’s aim is to represent the student voice when it comes to sustainability at UM. They work together with taskforce Sustainable UM2030 on a wide range of projects. Green Office consists of 6 student employees that each work 8 hours a week on sustainability at Maastricht University.

Green office 2019-2020

‘We are looking forward to work with Taskforce Sustainable UM2030 to make our university more sustainable. We want to represent the voice of all students of all faculties so please get in touch with us if you have any ideas or suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you!’

Melanie Kersten, Katja Wachter, Catherine Hayward, Svea Grünkorn, Naomi Kamer & Willow Schoo.

So what does that mean?
 Green Office is by and for students. This year the team aims to work on different sustainability initiatives, projects and events in collaboration with Taskforce Sustainable UM2030 (see below). Their aim is to represent the student voice within the university and to help implement student insights within these different sustainability initiatives. The Green Office members act as representatives so they have a unique linking pin role.

Reach out to us via email: green-office @, Instagram or Facebook.

 Taskforce Sustainable UM2030 was formally established in 2019. It consists of researchers and policymakers of Maastricht University, and connects to students via Green Office. Their role in collaboration with the Green Office, is to develop and implement different sustainability initiatives within Maastricht University. They are a platform that connects top-down and bottom-up initiatives for sustainability at UM. If you’re a UM employee, researcher or external party with an idea or concern regarding sustainability at UM then reach out to the taskforce.

Reach out to us via sustainability @

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