Hylke Dijkstra joins Advisory Council on International Affairs

Hylke Dijkstra has been appointed to the Advisory Council on International Affairs (Adviesraad Internationale Vraagstukken; AIV) where he will be a member of the Standing Committee on European Integration.

Hylke Dijkstra has been appointed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok as a member of the AIV for a term of four years. The AIV is an independent body which advises the Dutch government and parliament on foreign policy. The AIV produces advisory reports about international affairs both on its own initiative and on request. Its main areas of expertise are European cooperation, human rights, development cooperation and security policy.

Within the AIV, Hylke Dijkstra will be a member of the Standing Committee on European Integration together with other academics and (former) diplomats. The AIV has recently published keynote reports on the new EU coalition partners for The Netherlands after Brexit as well as the European Union's China policy. It is currently working on a report concerning EU migration and asylum policy.

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