Great performance UM team in ICC Mediation Competition

This year during the 13th annual ICC Mediation Competition week between 2nd – 7th of February a team of four students from the Faculty of Law, Sofia Paoletta, Elden Van Delft, Rebecca Kade and Albert Mhangami coached by Catalina Goanta, Kate O’Reilly and Paul Roos made it through to the quarter finals and placed in the top 8 out of 66 teams from over 32 countries.


The competition is not a traditional moot court as it is instead focused on solving business disputes in mock mediation sessions. It brings together students from a multitude of cultures with the aim of developing students’ soft-skills such as active listening, problem solving, negotiation skills and the generation of creative solutions. The Maastricht Team did exceptionally well in the competition and received outstanding feedback from a number of judges and mediators regarding the extent to which they understood mediation and represented their skills during the sessions. 

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