Grant for Judith Meijers

14 March 2017

ZonMw Grant for large-scale research into the quality of care in the final stage of dementia.

Every person with dementia has an average of three caregivers. In the Netherlands there are more than 1 million professionals and care is fragmented. More than 70 percent of the nurses working in the palliative phase indicated not to feel competent enough. In homecare it is even more than 80 percent. A four-year project aimed at improving the quality of palliative care for people with dementia will receive 1 million Euro from ZonMw.

The project will officially start in September 2017.

It is a cooperation between:

  • Zuyderland Zorgcentra (coordinator of the project)
  • Academische Werkplaats Ouderenzorg
  • Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • Huis voor de Zorg
  • Vivantes
  • Envida
  • Hulp bij dementia
  • Vilans
  • V&VN
  • IKNL
  • CZ
  • Expertise Centrum Palliatieve Zorg MUMC+
  • Consortium Palliatieve Zorg Limburg en Brabant
  • Propallia
  • Netwerk Palliatieve zorg Westelijke Mijnstreek
  • LUMC

Dr Judith Meijers is the projectleader.

Read the full press release (Dutch language)

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