FASoS alumna nominated for Theodore Roosevelt American History Award

FASoS alumna Eva Durlinger (Research master European Studies) has been nominated by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) for the Theodore Roosevelt American History Award (TRAHA).

The TRAHA will be awarded to the best master’s thesis in American history during the annual Amerikanistendag on 29 May 2020.

The title of Eva’s thesis is “US Foreign Policy toward Western Europe: The Nixon Administration, Werner and Davignon”. Her supervisor was Prof. Mathieu Segers.

In her thesis, Eva researched the impact European monetary and political integration had on US foreign policy towards Western Europe and concluded that the Nixon administration’s foreign policy changed in the years 1969 until 1974 from supportive of increasing integration to hostile. Eva made extensive use of several archives and received a research grant from the RIAS to do additional historical research there.

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