ERC Starting Grant for Anna Beckers on CHAINLAW

The faculty welcomes the excellent news that our colleague Anna Beckers has been awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant for her research project on "CHAINLAW, Responsive Law for Global Value Chains". We like to congratulate Anna Beckers!

What is the CHAINLAW project about?
CHAINLAW will develop a novel legal language for Global Value Chains (GVCs). GVCs are the interconnected trade structures that underlie the production of commodities and offering of services. While GVCs have been intensively theorised in the social sciences, they are largely unknown as legal categories. This is highly problematic when the law is starting to legislate or decide cases about supply-chain responsibility.

Objectives of CHAINLAW
The CHAINLAW project aims to develop appropriate concepts to allow law to understand GVCs and to normatively regulate them. To grasp the phenomena of GVCs, CHAINLAW (a) employs a novel theoretical lens that allows GVCs to be portrayed as a socio-economic structure being linked to the three central socio-economic institutions of hierarchy, markets and relations, (b) proposes a multi-disciplinary analysis on the law that underlies GVCs that integrates doctrine, documents, and data as three different layers of regulation, and (c) develops concrete normative legal proposals for regulatory intervention into GVCs and responsive liability models.

law_chainlaw project Anna Beckers

Related to this year's ERC Grant
Four hundred eight researchers have won this year’s European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants. The funding is worth in total €636 million and part of the Horizon Europe programme. It will help excellent younger scientists, who have 2 to 7 years’ experience after their PhDs, to launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their most promising ideas.

The laureates of this grant competition proposed to carry out their projects at universities and research centres in 26 countries across Europe, mostly in Germany (81 projects), UK (70), Netherlands (40) and France (39). There are nationals of 46 countries among the winners of this call, notably Germans (70 researchers), Italians (41), Israeli (30) and Dutch (28). This call for proposals attracted nearly 3,000 proposals, which were reviewed by panels of renowned researchers from around the world.

More info on ERC website


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