Encyclopedia of Environmental Law Series

Launch book series

Under general editorship of Michael Faure, the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law together with publisher Edward Elgar have launched the Encyclopedia of Environmental Law. The first volume of this series, with the title Climate Change Law, was presented during the conference “Environment in the Court” held in Oslo from 22-24 June 2016. This volume is co-edited by Marjan Peeters from the Metro institute together with Daniel A. Farber (Berkeley).

This book brings together over 70 legal scholars from across the world for a comprehensive examination in 54 chapters of the emerging field of climate change law.

Rather than delving into the details of the law, the emphasis is on disclosing scholarship on core topics such as human rights and climate change, the challenge of a coherent international treaty approach, the role of principles such as the precautionary principle, the choice and design of regulatory instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, legal issues of geo-­engineering, and the potential role of international and national courts in relation to climate change. Specific chapters discuss the EU emissions trading scheme and EU renewable energy law.

As it has evolved, climate law is a combination of international frameworks such as the Paris Agreement from 12 December 2015 and bottom-­up efforts by national and sub-­national governments. This legal field is substantively linked to other areas of law such as energy regulation, water law, and land use law, while raising new issues for various disciplines of law, including public international law, constitutional law and administrative law. The concluding chapter brings together the insights and discusses the polycentric development of a 'global climate law'.

More information on the series and ordering.

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