Elsevier Best Study Programmes 2016: bachelor’s programmes Tax Law and European Law School rank first, master’s programme Dutch Law shares first place with Nijmegen

29 September 2016

And again, the Elsevier Best Study Programmes edition, in which the magazine presents its annual investigation into the best study programmes in the Netherlands has been published.

Our bachelor’s programmes in Tax Law and European Law School are on the top of the list of the student judgements. Our master’s programme in Dutch Law shares the first place with the Radboud University Nijmegen.


Bachelor’s programmes
The Elsevier results show that students of our bachelor’s programme in Tax Law feel that, in particular, examinations and organisation & communication deserve an above average score. The European Law School students of both Nijmegen and Maastricht are very content in general, but the Maastricht students are more pleased with the outline of their programme, resulting in a first place for Maastricht. The bachelor’s programme in Dutch Law (4th place) receives an above average score on education, tutors and examinations.

Master’s programmes
For only two of our master’s programmes a national comparison was made. The master in Dutch Law shares its first place with Nijmegen but obtained a significantly higher score (60+) on education. The master’s programme in Tax Law ranks third, but scores well in education, examinations and organisation & communication.No national comparison was made for the rest of our master’s programmes. In general, the student judgements show that one is satisfied with their tutors and the outline of their programme. Many students would recommend their study programme to their friends and family. Where the International and European Tax Law students are concerned, even 93% would recommend it!

International classroom
Maastricht University is very international. The law faculty works hard to offer its students an “international classroom”. In accordance with the Elsevier results the number of international students in our English taught programmes is very high. The European Law School and the Globalisation and Law programme even add up to 85% foreign students.

This great outcome is based on this year’s results of the National Student Inquiry (NSE) many students so enthusiastically participated in.

Do you want to check the results of the NSE or Elsevier Best Studies? Go to the Elsevier or kiesjestudie website.

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