Dubrovnik Call for Papers

14th Dubrovnik Jean Monnet Seminar 'Advanced Issues of European Law'
Topic: "Rethinking EU Competences"
Dubrovnik, 17-23 April 2016

Call for papers – Extension of Deadline and Reminder!

The deadline for the submission of papers is moved to 31 january 2016!

The 14th session of the Dubrovnik Seminar will focus on the general topic 'Rethinking EU Competences'. Paper proposals may cover a variety of areas of EU law, such as further deepening of economic or social integration in the EU, environmental policy and climate change mitigation, immigration policy or migration crisis, etc. Papers should focus on examining the balance of powers and division of competences between the EU and the Member States in the respective areas of law.


submission of paper proposals (500 words max) and CVs: 31 January 2016 
submission of papers by selected candidates: 10 April 2016
submission of papers for publication in CYELP: 1 June 2016


All authors of accepted papers are awarded a travel grant and covered accommodation. There is no need to submit any additional grant applications. 

Participating faculty

Monica Claes, Maastricht University
Marise Cremona, European University Institute
Tamara Ćapeta, University of Zagreb
Iris Goldner Lang, University of Zagreb
Stefan Griller, University of Salzburg
Daniel Halberstam, University of Michigan (tbc)
Zdenek Kühn, judge at the High Administrative Court, Czech Republic and Charles University
Adam Łazowski, University of Westminster
Tamara Perišin, University of Zagreb
Donald Regan, University of Michigan
Siniša Rodin, -Judge, Court of Justice of the European Union 
Eleanor Sharpston, Advocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union
Derrick Wyatt, University of Oxford


For all correspondence, including for the submission of paper proposals and CVs please contact us at:JMSeminar.Dubrovnik2016@gmail.com

For additional information about the Dubrovnik seminar visit the website
or send an e-mail to nika.bacic@pravo.hr 

The Dubrovnik Seminar is organized by the EU Law Department of the Zagreb Faculty of Law and financed as a Jean Monnet Project through the Erasmus + programme


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