Dr. Tamar Sharon wins Edmond Hustinx prize for science
During the opening of the academic year on Monday 31 August the Edmond Hustinx prize for science has been announced. This prize is awarded by Maastricht University on behalf of the Edmond Hustinx Foundation to a young, promising researcher and comprises €15,000 of research budget for a specific project.
In 2015, the prize goes to a candidate from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dr. Tamar Sharon received the prize for her research proposal ‘The Googlization of Medical Research’. For more information about her research, watch this video.
Philosopher Tamar Sharon (1975) obtained her PhD cum laude in Israel in 2011. She researches how people engage with new health technologies, at a time when they are increasingly expected to take individual responsibility for their health. Sharon has published several scientific articles and a book on this topic, and has been awarded the Mara Bellar Prize, a Rubcion grant (2012) and a Veni grant (2014). Her research is innovative as it provides an alternative to the dominant discourses on personalized healthcare. Tamar Sharon has also been nominated for the 2015 New Scientist Research Talent. You can vote for her until Monday 7 September on www.newscientist.nl/talent.
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