Dr Francesca Galli, MCEL member, participated on 24 and 26 March 2016 to the Italian talk show Omnibus

25 July 2016



Dr Francesca Galli, MCEL member, participated on 24 and 26 March 2016 to the Italian talk show Omnibus on the Italian national chain La7 to discuss with other experts the Brussels terrorist attacks and their aftermath in terms of desirable policy and legal developments at the national and EU level. Dr Galli’s contributions focused on the medium and long-term need to establish an holistic approach in the fight against terrorism where de-radicalization, rehabilitation and dissociation strategies supplement more traditional counter-terrorism measures. She equally assessed current shortcomings of EU counter-terrorism policies with reference to data and intelligence sharing and further coordination of law enforcement authorities in the field on the ongoing negotiation for a new directive on the fight against terrorism.
You may see excepts here at (on counter-terrorism strategies in Belgium) and here (on the added value of “Pentiti” legislation).

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