Dr Abazi presents at the House of Representatives of the Netherlands on Parliamentary Access to Information

Dr Abazi presents at the House of Representatives of the Netherlands on Parliamentary Access to Information

By invitation of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands, on 18 May 2016, Dr. Vigjilenca Abazi gave a presentation entitled 'Parliamentary Access to Official Secrets in the European Union' in which she addressed the challenges and limits for access to sensitive information for national parliaments as well as the European Parliament.
Dr Abazi focused on the legal framework of official secrets in the EU that gives rise to information asymmetries in processes of parliamentary oversight.

Dr. Abazi


Article co-authored by MCEL members Alessandro Cuomo and Phedon Nicolaides published in European Law Review

The article examines the multi-step test developed by EU courts to rule on the whether a breach of law by an EU authority is sufficiently serious under art.340(2) TFEU, from the perspective of its transparency and predictability. 


Article co-authored by MCEL members Guido Bellenghi and Luca Knuth published on the Review of European Administrative Law

In December 2024, the Review of European Administrative Law published Guido Bellenghi and Luca Knuth’s article "EU Food Law and the Politics of the Internal Market: The Challenge of Cultivated Meat". 

cover or Review of European Administrative Law

Francesco Mauri wins Maastricht Consulates Prize 2024

On 10 December, Francesco Mauri was awarded the Maastricht Consulates Prize on EU Law 2024 for the best master’s thesis on EU law at the Maastricht University Faculty of Law. This prestigious prize, valued at €1,000, recognises academic excellence and innovation in EU law.

Fransesco Mauri met Fernand Jadoul

Inaugural lecture by prof.dr. Maja Brkan

On 29 November 2024, MCEL member Maja Brkan, Judge at the General Court of the European Union, gave her inaugural lecture on 'Digitalisation and EU fundamental rights: the good, the bad and the opaque'. 


Special Issue co-edited by three MCEL members published in the Maastricht Journal

In October 2024, the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law published the Special Issue "The Future of EU Fundamental Rights", co-edited by MCEL members Šejla Imamović, Elin Börjedal and Eleonora Di Franco. 

Maastricht Journal

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