Department of International Health receives Jean Monnet Network grant
Size does matter: Jean Monnet Network on European Integration, Small States and Health granted to the Department of International Health.
The Network led by the Department of International Health at Maastricht University received € 300.000 funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) within the framework of the Jean Monnet “Policy debate with the academic world” instrument entitled: European Integration, Small States and Health. It is the second Jean Monnet project next to the current Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Health.
The aim of the Jean Monnet network of universities and public health institutes is to map the small states’ challenges and opportunities of European integration in the area of health and translate these findings into policy relevant messages and educational activities at the master studies level. So far there are hardly any comparative studies related to interaction of European integration and health related particularly to small states.
The network consists of universities and public health institutes from Malta, Estonia, Slovenia, Iceland and The Netherlands.
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