Comenius Teaching Fellow grant to benefit student wellbeing
Dr. Petra Hurks (FPN), Tessa Vanheeswijck (UCM), Aimee Coenen (FPN), and Mieke Jansen (Student Services Centre) have been awarded the Comenius Teaching Fellow grant of €50.000 for implementing small-scale innovation and improvements in teaching programmes.
Together staff members from diverse UM faculties (e.g. the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) and the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE)), and the Student Services Centre will be using the money for the project:
Learning to learn and feel (better)
To support the physical well-being as well as the mental health of students, Maastricht University is building an optional, education module. The goal is to teach students to signal signs of stress. They’ll also receive tools to regulate these feelings of stress, and to study more efficiently. Maastricht University also offers several lectures which are accessible to all Maastricht University students.
One example of the module is that the university is developing an ‘open access’ website with extra information on well-being.
Another example, is the Well-being Week 2018: A week full of lectures, workshops, and other activities centred around six themes:
- Move (take a break sessions health & fitness)
- Eat healthy (lecture on eating behaviour)
- Relax (workshops on meditation, yoga, mindfulness)
- Connect (social activities by student associations)
- Inform yourself (info stand: booklet + resources, lectures)
- Express yourself (workshops on creativity, painting)
Now preparations are starting for the Well-being Week 2018 in October. The aim of the Well-being Movement is to raise awareness about wellbeing topics and to promote physical and mental well-being among students. We’ll let you know more as things develop!
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These questions will be answered in four consortia that have been awarded a NWO-Complexity grant. MaCSBio is involved in two of these consortia and will carry out research regarding complex systems in the field of health and nutrition.