Combining top sports with university education becomes easier at UM
On Tuesday, 23 January, Prof. Dr. Martin Paul, president of the Maastricht University Executive Board, and Drs. Annette Mosman RA, treasurer of NOC*NSF, will be signing Action plan FLOT: FLexibel Onderwijs en Topsport (Flexible Education and Top Sports). With this signature, Maastricht University commits to this action plan that sets down structural agreements about the support of top sportspersons, who need much time besides their study programme at UM for the preparation of and participation in international sports events.
Action plan FLOT
End of 2013, several universities and Hbo institutions entered into an agreement with NOC*NSF for the improvement of the education and career perspectives of top sportspersons. These agreements were laid down in Action plan FLOT that focuses on three objectives. The first is a competence-oriented choice of study programme: it is important that a top sportsperson can follow a study programme that fits his or her interest and competences. A free choice of study and attention for top sports competences prevent drop-out and too much delay, and moreover encourage top sports performances. The second objective is flexible education: a top sportsperson has to be enabled to follow a flexible education offer, within reasonable boundaries. This allows the top sportsperson to combine training and competition in the Netherlands and abroad. The last objective focuses on financial feasibility: financially a top sportsperson should be allowed to practice his or her sports at the highest level, without disproportional costs for sports or study.
Speakers before and after the signature are Birgitte Hendrickx, head UM SPORTS, about the de updated arrangement Topsport@UM, Annette Mosman of NOC*NSF about Action plan FLOT, and Dr. Luc van Loon, professor of Movement Sciences at the UM Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML), about science in relation to top sports. UM top sportspersons Xavier Köhlen (boxing and student Faculty of Law), Debbie Gach (tennis and student FHML) and Sarissa de Vries, (triathlete and alumna FHML) share their experiences. Prior to the official signature moment Martin Paul, president of the Executive Board, will speak on the part of the UM.
The signing event will take place at the University Sports Centre UM SPORTS, P. Debyeplein 15, 6229 HA Maastricht. Guests are welcome from 15:30, the presentations start at 16:00, followed by the official signature moment. The event ends at 17:30.
Sports shoes
The event takes place in one of the sports halls of UM SPORTS. Visitors are kindly asked to bring indoor sports shoes to protect the floor (heels are not allowed).
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