Christian Ernsten presents at SIEF2019
During the 14th congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore, taking place from 14-17 April 2019 in Santiago de Compostela (SIEF2019), Christian Ernsten co-organizes a panel and roundtable on “Making Tracks: Walking as embodied research methodology”. Here, he will present on his first encounters with the Meuse river as an emergent Anthropocene landscape.
In the “Making Tracks: Walking as embodied research methodology” panel and roundtable, Ernsten in collaboration with Nick Shepherd Aarhus University) and photographer Dirk-Jan Visser will explore what it means for scholars, artists, curators and activists to walk together as a form of research practice. They are engaged by the parallels between walking and story-telling, as well as by the idea of walking as a way of encountering the emergent landscapes of the Anthropocene. How does walking open out to forms of affective and sensorial research? They invite papers from scholars, artists, curators, activists and practitioners of all kinds to join us in this exploration of walking. On the completion of the conference, they invite you to join them and walk with to Finisterre.

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