Buildings 1 & 4 renovation starting soon

This year, the buildings 1 & 4 will be prepared for accommodating startup companies and AMIBM (Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials). The current users (DSM ACES and DBIS) have already moved to other offices and facilities (or they will shortly) and a major renovation of these buildings will take place this year.

Although the buildings 1 & 4 (conference room Aula included) will be closed during the renovation, the entrance, staircase/elevator in Building 1/4, which provide access to the buildings 2, 3, 5 and 6, will stay open (Building 7 can be reached via its own entrances).
The renovation will soon start with asbestos removal.


  • Before the renovation starts, some actions will be taken:
  • Adjustment of the escape routes, signing included. The emergency rooms in the buildings 2, 3 and 6 are available instead of conference room Aula (Building 4)
  • Screening off the entrance, staircase/elevator in Building 1/4 to prevent dust nuisance
  • Converting the current reservations for conference room Aula to other rooms
  • Relocating the smoking cabin to room 03.0.05 (Building 3)
  • Removing the coffee machine in Building 4.

The glass windows by the Dutch artist Gisèle van Waterschoot van der Gracht in the hall of Building 4 will of course be spared.

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