Better Legal Education in Indonesia

Newsletter Legal education and national development

The Faculties of Law of Airlangga University in Surabaya and Maastricht University, the Netherlands, in collaboration with the Maastricht School of Management (MSM) have been awarded a grant under the Orange Knowledge Programme to embark on the important mission of strengthening skills, ethics, and integrity in Indonesian legal education.

The overall aim of this project is to improve and strengthen legal education and the skills of legal graduates in general, with a strong focus on questions of the rule of law, good governance, and ethics.

In the course of our projects, the following outputs will be produced, which reflect our comprehensive approach to modernizing legal education in Indonesia: 

1. Efficient faculty organization, education management, and quality assurance

2. Highly skilled teaching staff trained in problem-based learning (PBL) and a practice-oriented approach to teaching law, including interactive, student-centered teaching methods. 

3. An improved curriculum with a focus on professional legal skills, ethics, and good governance, including several new courses and in-class moot courts

4. An Indonesia-wide network of providers of legal education who are active in modernizing innovating the law curricula nationwide, including both Java’s educational hubs and universities in the Indonesian periphery. This network will, among others, host a new national moot court competition focusing on issued of ethics and good governance. In Addition, a new interactive online platform to disseminate news, discuss topics around law and legal education, and facilitate fruitful exchange between professionals, interested parties, and the public at large throughout the country.

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