ASPHER Deans & Directors Retreat 2019
The ASPHER (Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region) Deans & Directors Retreat 2019 was held in Erice, Sicily on 25-27th May at the Ettore Majorana Foundation, Centre for Scientific Culture. It included the ASPHER General Assembly and a scientific conference related to such topic as: new era of vaccinology, climate change and environmental health, antimicrobial resistance, digital health, public health law, precision public health and genomics and public health workforce development. Due to the historical, scientific and spiritual atmosphere of Erice, the scholarly meeting was a real feast for the mind and for your soul.
During the General Assembly, prof Kasia Czabanowska handed the ASPHER presidency to prof John Middleton (picture 1). The vision of Kasia Czabanowska’s presidency was focused on public health workforce development. In a truly collaborative way including many public health organisations and experts, she managed to deliver the direction setting documents such as the Road Map for Professionalising Public Health and EHO EURO-ASPHER European Competencies Framework for Public Health Workforce, she initiated the many activities in support of public health professional development including ASPHER Public Health Training Academy and also the 'This is Public Health' Europe campaign together with the American ASPPH (picture 2) and its president Laura Magana (left on picture 3) to support the recognition and acknowledgement of the public health field and stimulate greater interest in choosing the career in public health.
To assure the continuation of this important work John Middleton invited Ms Czabanowska in her capacity as an immediate past-president to lead on the professionalization agenda making it a horizontal , cross-cutting theme of ASPHER operations.

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