Another Global Health Career Day success!
The Global Health team clearly recognizes the importance of “employability”. They know that aside from the educational aspect of the programme, skills and a firm understanding of what “employers want” are vital if graduates are to meet the demands of the current job market. For this reason the programme coordinator, Anja Krumeich and the alumni coordinator, Lori Mees, have, since 2012, made special efforts to hold an annual Career Day for Alumni, Staff and current Global Health students. This year, 2015, was no exception.
Attendees gathered at the Belvedere Information Centre where they were treated to a two-hour Master Class workshop on “How to be a LinkedIn Pro”, presented by Welmoed Verhagen from the social media training group, based in Ireland, Scredible. Welmoed gave an interactive, informative lecture about the importance of LinkedIn as a tool for personal advancement and emphasized how this tool has become the first step in the recruiting process. By all accounts the training was well received. Students were active throughout the discussions and had plenty of time to mingle at the lunch and the end of the day reception.
During the afternoon session recent graduates and current students heard interesting and varied presentations from three alumni and a representative from the European Commission member who is also involved with the annual Global Health Symposium:
- Kevin McCarthy -Health, Research & Culture, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development – EuropeAid, of the European Commission.
- Aisha Maulana - MPH alumna, PhD candidate UM; SG Adviser on Strategic Initiatives, Kenya Red Cross.
- Eva-Marie Runge - Global Health alumna, Development Advisor, Multi-sector HIV Prevention Programme (GIZ South Africa).
- Regien Biesma – FHML Alumna, visiting fellow, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Other guests included Denise Villerius of the central Alumni Office and Sueli Brodin, Communications Officer of UN/Merit.
Each year we strive to improve the career day. Alumni participation is extremely instrumental in making the day a success. We would like to thank all of those who made a contribution! As involved global health experts we understand that it is not easy to take time out to visit Maastricht and address the future global health experts.
Looking forward to next year’s event!
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