€ 250.000 for research to a better understanding of pension saving behavior

21 December 2018

UM researchers Arno Riedl, Jonah Linde and Peter Werner were awarded € 250.000 by the board of scientific knowledge network Netspar to better understand (pension) saving behavior of Dutch workers and in particular self-employed people. By identifying the drivers of the savings behavior of this very diverse group of people, the researchers hope to provide guidelines for tailor-made policy and the development of smart pension savings products.

Pension savers are a very diverse target group. The researchers will map their diverse preferences, expectations (beliefs) and biases. To this end, use is made of insights and methods from behavioral economics, political science and data science and is collaborated with Statistics Netherlands, Institute for Data Science, ABP, ZZP Netherlands, and MinSZW. This combination of methods and partners makes it possible to gain a good insight into the conscious and unconscious motives of Dutch workers, in particular self-employed people, and their (pension) saving behavior.

More information on this research project can be found on the Netspar website.

About Netspar

Netspar is a think tank and knowledge network for a well-informed pension debate. With research in the area of ​​pensions and aging, in collaboration with science, government and pension sector, we contribute to a financially healthy old age in the Netherlands.

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