The Future of a Data-Driven Society

42nd Dies Natalis

On Friday 26 January 2018, UM celebrated its 42nd Dies Natalis in Sint Janskerk. Around this year’s topic, "The Future of a Data-Driven Society”, two dies lectures were held and two honorary doctorates were awarded. During the ceremony, the Rector awarded the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, the Dissertation Prize, and the Student Prizes.



An introduction to the Wynand Wijnen Education Prize, followed by an encomium to this year's winner Nynke de Jong, who was rewarded for her contribution to educational innovation within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences; in particular for her contribution to the Virtual Learning Environment.

The 2017 Dissertation Prize went to Mark Podesta for his doctoral thesis entitled ‘Time dependent verification of dynamic external beam radiotherapy.’

The UM Master Student Prize 2017.


You can view all videos of our Dies Natalis here.