Ambassador Lectures

Ambassador Lecture by Jay Shetty

Ambassador Lectures is a high-profile project of Maastricht University that is run by students for students with the endorsement of the Executive Board.

The initiative aims to foster challenging and intellectually stimulating events, giving students a platform to experience different perspectives by 'Ambassadors' of all walks of life, consistent with the international and inclusive outlook of Maastricht University. Since 2013 many interesting speakers were hosted by the Ambassador Lecture's team. 


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Jay Shetty

"Your passions are not random, they are your calling and your purpose isn't idealistic, it's real. If you want to live a fulfilling life that makes a difference in the lives of others you need to come to, build a life, not a resume" 

Jay Shetty - Motivational & lifestyle vlogger, presenter and former monk. International speaker with a viewership of over 100 million


Donovan Livingston's lecture

Harvard graduate Donovan Livingston was in Maastricht to speak about the transformative power of education in the Ambassador Lectures. He reached a global audience of 13 million people with his powerful and original speech. Watch a video impression of the event.

Past events

In the persuit of its mission, the Ambassador Lectures has hosted a number of exceptional events at Maastricht University:

  • In 2019: Michael Pawlyn, Dutch Ambassador to the Netherlands, Jan Waltmans, French Ambassador to the Netherlands, Luis Vassy and the German Ambassador to the Netherlands, Dirk Brengelmann, Prof Jeffrey D Sachs, Sara Mardini, Former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saaakashvilli
  • In 2018: Alberto Alemanno, Amanda Nguyen, Dr Aziza Khabush, Christina Myers and Dr Alaa Murabit, Jaha Dukureh, Helen Clark
  • In 2017: Donovan Livingston, Larry Siedentop and Patrick Bijsmans, Tomislav Perko, Jay Shetty, Lilianne Ploumen and Bert Koenders
  • In 2016: Oscar Morales, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Ajmal Masroor, Nicole Benyahia and Karolina Dam, Erin Schrode, Tomislav Perko, Prof Mariana Mazzucato, H.E. Haim Divon, Ambassador of Israel to the Netherlands, and H.E. Dr. Nabil Abuznaid, Head of the Palestinian Mission to the Netherlands
  • 2015: Ellen t’ Hoen, Illac Diaz, Sander Dekker, Patrick Magee, Jimmy Wales
  • 2014: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weiss, Prof Dr. Tsjalling Swierstra, Prof Dr Luc de Witte, Robin Seiger, Peter Potman, the Consul General of the Netherlands to Shanghai
  • 2013: Prof Mark Post, László Andor