Maartje Schreuder (M.J.)
Forensic linguistics, and forensic speech and audio analysis, at The Maastricht Forensic Institute
Examined as court expert: November 13, 2013, Maastricht University.
Key words: Forensic Phonetics and Linguistics, General Linguistics, Phonology, Phonetics, Forensic speech and language analysis.
My current research focuses mainly on forensic case work in the fields of Speaker Identification, Intelligibility Enhancement of Audio Recordings, Authenticity and Integrity of Audio Recordings, Linguistic Text Analysis, and Auditory Confrontation for Earwitnesses. (Details)
Other research areas:
- (forensic) speaker identification and bias
- (forensic) speech intelligibility and bias
- speech characteristics under the influence of drugs (with Vica Papp, Jan Ramaekers, and Eef Theunissen; IAFPA research grant).
My dissertation, titled Prosodic Processes in Language and Music, focuses on speech prosody: rhythm, intonation, and phrasing.
Career history
Curriculum Vitae
2008 - 2013:
Training to become a court expert in forensic language, speech and audio analysis, The Maastricht Forensic Institute (‘training on the job’, under the supervision of prof. dr. A.P.A. Broeders)
Exam: November 13, 2013; examining committee:
- prof. dr. A.P.A. Broeders (forensic language and speech analysis at The Maastricht Forensic Institute, (emeritus) professor criminalistics, Maastricht University & Leiden University);
- prof. dr. A. Braun (professor in phonetics and forensic speech analysis, Trier University, Germany);
- prof. dr. G. Mols (professor criminal law and law of criminal procedure, Maastricht University & scientific director of The Maastricht Forensic Institute (TMFI));
- prof. dr. D. Bernstein (professor forensic psychology, Maastricht University)
2000 - 2004:
PhD project, General Linguistics, University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts (defense June 15, 2006)
1995 - 1999:
University of Groningen, M.A. General Linguistics, specialization phonology
1994 - 1995:
University of Groningen, Propaedeutic diploma Dutch Linguistics and Literature
2008 - present:
Forensic case work: Speech, Language, and Audio examinations at The Maastricht Forensic Institute (TMFI), Maastricht University.
Researcher and tutor/lecturer at Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neurosciences.
2007 - 2008:
Lecturer at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen.
2001 - 2008:
Lecturer at the department of General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen.
2006 - 2008:
Lecturer Sprachwandel und Sprachvariation im Niederländischen [Language change and language variantion in Dutch], Dutch linguistics, BA, at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany).
2006 - 2008:
Freelance Projectmanagement, Stichting Studio Taalwetenschap, Amsterdam; various educational linguistic projects, on issues like multilingualism, dialects, speech and language technology.
2005 - 2008:
Freelance Phonetic transcriber: provide word lists with phonetic transcriptions of pronunciation, for several (speech) technology companies, such as Harman/Becker, Ulm (Germany); VoiceBox (US).
Lecturer English phonology and phonetics, department of English Language and Culture, University of Groningen (formal lectures and tutorials, BA).
2005 - 2006:
Lecturer Dutch Linguistics (University of Groningen).
2000 - 2004:
PhD project (University of Groningen). Dissertation title: Prosodic processes in Language and Music. (defense June 15th, 2006).
1999 - 2000:
Editorial work (freelance) for educational publishing company Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen. Editing a course book for Dutch language, and writing the instructor's manual and exercises.
Forensic Case work record:
2008 - present:
Over 80 forensic examinations of cases in the areas of speaker comparison, intelligibility enhancement and transcription of speech recordings, linguistic text analyses, integrity and authenticity analyses of audio recordings, and auditory confrontation undertaken for police, prosecution, defence lawyers, and private parties in the Netherlands and Belgium, in co-operation with/under the supervision of Prof. Dr. A.P.A. Broeders (TMFI).
Professional and Scientific Societies:
Member of IAFPA (International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics)
Member of IAFL (International Association of Forensic Linguists)
Member of NVFW (Netherlands Association for Phonetic Sciences)
Member of AVT (General Association for Linguistics in the Netherlands)