Microscopy CORE Lab Ambassadors Day 2024



Aim: To show the UM and MUMC+ communities how Advanced Microscopy can support Science and Education through the work done and projected by our users.

Addressed to: Students, technicians, researchers, teachers, PIs and Professors… anyone with interest in any aspect of the microscopy technology and its applications.

Microscopy CORE lab Ambassadors Day images


The lectures will cover examples of Advanced Light Microscopy, Room temperature and Cryo-methods for Electron Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cryo-Electron Microscopy and Image Processing. Different projects of MCL users will provide ideas in how to apply these techniques to answer diverse research questions and how to combine them with other technologies.

Coffee and lunch are included.

The full program of the Microscopy CORE Lab Ambassadors Day can be downloaded here


The Microscopy CORE Lab (MCL)
The MCL provides the classical and most recent advanced light and electron microscopy imaging techniques, including super-resolution and multiphoton optical microscopy, electron tomography, single particle analysis, correlative light and electron microscopy, focused ion beam and scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and spinning disk light microscopy at room temperature and cryo-conditions.

Invited speakers:
There will be 10 experienced users of the MCL, who will explain the work they did together with us in the last few years and how they can project the future of their research thanks to our research platform. With the selection of speakers, we took into account diversity regarding subject, affiliation, discipline and microscopy techniques used.

Maastricht,  MUMC+, Elevator H to Niveau 4 - Room 4.E2.020 Greepzaal 

Map Greepzaal


 Pieter Goossens (Pathology)
 Bart van Grinsven (Sensor Engineering)
 Marie-Eline Debeuf (Dermatology)



 Francesca Gioacomini (MERLN)
 Navya Premaraj (M4i Nanoscopy)
 Dimitris Kapsokalyvas (Gen. and Cell Biol.)
 Emmanuelle Javaux (Liège University)

Sabine van Rijt (MERLN)
Judith Hounjet (Radiotherapy/Maastro)
Merel Stiekema (Gen. and Cell Biol.)


If you have any questions or are interested to join the Ambassadors Day, please contact us by sending an e-mail to: m4imicroscopycorelab@maastrichtuniversity.nl