Miet Vanderhallen (M.)

Career history

Prof. dr. Miet Vanderhallen received a bachelor degree in social work in 1996 followed by a master degree in criminology in 1999 at K.U.Leuven. In September 2007 she obtained her PhD ‘The working alliance in police interviewing’. From 2007 she joined the Faculty of Law at Antwerp university and is currently a full professor in legal psychology. From 2008 she is appointed as an assistant professor criminology/legal psychology at the law faculty of Maastricht University.

She supervised the PHD of Bastiaan Leeuw (Punish, seduce and persuade: an empirical assessment of anti-piracy interventions) together with prof. dr. Hans Nelen and (with prof. dr. Hans Nelen) the PhD research of Kim Geurtjens on Outlaw motorcycle gangs in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. She currently supervises (with prof. dr. Hans Nelen) the PhD research of Marika Madfors on the use of misleading evidence in suspect interviews.

Previously Miet Vanderhallen was involved in various research project on investigative interviewing. Her current research focuses on procedural safeguards in suspect interviews and interviewing juvenile suspects.

Miet Vanderhallen is co-author of various peer-reviewed articles, chapters and books within the field of criminology and legal psychology, particularly on investigative interviewing. She regularly presents at (inter)national conferences. Besides she is a member of the general assembly of the Centre for Police studies and a member of the European Association on Psychology and Law, and of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group and is currently a member of the European COST Action Implemendez.

Miet Vanderhallen teaches legal psychology courses and supervises the cold case project. She is the internship coordinator for the Department of Criminal law and Criminology.

Miet also delivers professional training to police and lawyers, provides consultancy to legal professionals and acts as an expert-witness in criminal cases.