Melanie Sauerland (M.)
My expertise is in eyewitness memory, face recognition, and interrogative interviewing.
PhD (Dr. phil.) in Psychology, Giessen University, 2007
Diplom in Psychology, Bonn University, 2002
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<p><strong>Sauerland, M.</strong>, Mehlkopf, S., Krix, A. C., & Sagana, A. (2016). Deceiving suspects about the content of their alibis: Consequences for truthful and untruthful suspects. <em>Journal of Forensic Practice, 18, </em>143-154<em>. </em>doi:10.1108/JFP-10-2014-0042</p>
Melanie Sauerland (M.)
Associate Professor
Sectie Forensische Psychologie
Experimentele Klinische Psychologie
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience