Dr M. Drukker
Name (title): Marjan Drukker (senior epidemiologist)
Current Projects
- Methodological assistance in various projects (e.g. psychotic disorder and schizophrenia, bariatric surgery, meta-analyses)
- Gene-environment interaction in psychosis and schizophrenia
- Psychological symptom networks using the experience sampling method (ESM)
- Public health and psychiatry (social capital)
Dr M. Drukker
Name (title): Marjan Drukker (senior epidemiologist)
Current Projects
- Methodological assistance in various projects (e.g. psychosis and schizophrenia, bariatric surgery, meta-analyses)
- Gene-environment interaction in psychosis and schizophrenia
- Psychological symptom networks using the experience sampling method (ESM)
- Public health and psychiatry
Psychiatrie 1
Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience
Fac. Health, Medicine and Life Sciences