Laura Birkhölzer

Bachelor Student Prize Winner | 47th Dies Natalis

  School of Business and Economics | Bachelor International Business

"Who runs the world? Girls! How Mexico’s recent gender parity in politics influences infant health?"

Laura's elevator pitch
Woman are underrepresented in politics all around the world. Mexico, a country known for its ‘machismo’, now requires gender parity by law in all political offices. Female politicians may bring different priorities and leadership styles to the political table. First studies examine the effects of women in national parliaments and population health. However, explanations for why female political participation would matter for health or the conditions under which this relationship works are not understood. This study deviates from mainstream national approaches and provides the first local analysis of the relationship between female state deputies and infant mortality in Mexico.

Laura Birkhölzer

Congratulations Laura

In this video Laura is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.