Jacco Briedé (J.J.)

His main research subject concerns the applicability of electron spin resonance (ESR or EPR)  spectrometry in the study of free radicals formation and their involvement in environmental health risk assessment and molecular toxicology. In addition, the increased application of “omics” technologies drawn his interest and became more integrated in supervised research projects in the field of toxicogenomics.


His major research interests include:

  • Role of free radical mechanism in oxidative cell damage and chemopreventive action of dietary antioxidants e.g green tea polyphenols, vitamin C and flavonoids;
  • Involvement of free radical formation and the relation with chemical composition and health effects of ambient particulate matter and nanomaterials;
  • Cellular and mitochondrial free radical formation and the involvement in biological processes e.g. mitochondrial uncoupling and mitochondrial dysfunction caused by e.g. pharmaceuticals and drugs.
  • In vivo- and in vitro detection of nitric oxide (NO) and investigations into its role in health- and disease-related mechanisms;
  • Applications of toxicogenomics-related applications to unravel mechanisms liver-specific genotoxic and carcinogenic compounds including the development of in vitro alternatives for in vivo toxicology tests.
Career history

Jacco Briedé first took an education as a technician, with a (bio)chemical specialization, at the technical school in Utrecht. During his traineeship at KWR Watercycle Research Institute he developed methods to analyze pesticides and their metabolites in drinking-, ground-, and surfacewater. Thereafter he studied Chemistry at the University Utrecht. During this study, he further specialized in the area of (bio)chemistry. For his graduate research-project he studied the mechanisms that are involved in the maintenance of the asymmetric distribution of the phospholipids in the membrane of the erythrocyte (red blood cell). After his graduation he worked two years in the production of flavors and fragrances at Unilever Netherlands/Quest International. In 1996 he was appointed as a Ph.D.-student at the University Maastricht at the department of Biochemistry. There he focused his interest on blood coagulation under flow conditions in a project that was entitled "Regulation of thrombin formation at the surfaces of adherent platelets". As a Ph.D.-student he attended a training program at the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM) including multiple courses concerning the fundamental mechanisms of heart and vascular diseases. In November 2001 he defended his thesis. In May 1 2001 he was appointed as a postdoctoral fellow at the department of health risk analysis and toxicology, followed from April 1 2003 by an appointment as an Assistant Professor at this department.