Gjalt-Jorn Peters

Gjalt-Jorn Peters is behavior change researcher and intervention developer and works at the Dutch Open University, where he teaches methodology and statistics, and does research into health psychology, specifically behavior change, in general and applied to nightlife-related risk behavior.

In my work, I combine four domains I like to work in:

  • Behavior change (or, more broadly, health psychology; even more broadly, psychology; and most broadly, science) - see http://effectivebehaviorchange.com and http://fearappeals.com for some examples;
  • Meta-analyses, qualitative research & quantitative research (or, more broadly, doing research in general) - see http://userfriendlyscience.com and http://qualicoder.com for some examples;
  • Giving trainings and teaching;
  • Coding websites (or, more broadly, programming; even more broadly, being involved in ICT development projects; more broadly, ICT in general; and most broadly, technology).

I combine these domains in my work at the Open University and for my company Greater Good.